Airflow Max: Making Cleaning and Polishing Easier

Are you looking for that “Wow!” factor when it comes to efficiency? Well, we have a service for you! We believe that everyone deserves optimal oral health and continually seek out better products that excel our services. Enter in the Airflow Max. This mighty hygienist tool not only cleans and polishes your teeth, it also eliminates “the main etiological cause of both tooth-decay, gingivitis, periodontitis, mucositis & peri-implantitis.”  

How does it work? 

Using the combination of water, powder, and air, the laminar flow moves smoothly through the hexagon shaped frame, avoiding any turbulence and disorganized patterns. This highly accurate laminar flow is how the treatment surface can be so perfectly refined, minimising intrusion to maximize the patient’s comfort.

Why does Baseline Village Dental Hygiene love the Airflow Max? 

Efficiency is key and the Airflow Max not only does all the above on natural teeth, orthodontics, and implantology, but accomplishes it all in one single procedure! It works diligently to remove stains, biofilm, and young calculus in pits and fissures, brackets, subgingival, exposed dentine, and much more. 

With us, optimal oral health is affordable and easy. Why not take advantage of this efficient tool and book an appointment today!